From cleaning to resolving your beauty crises, there's an entire world of alternative options when it comes to what you can use lemons for. below are 15 amazing things that you can do with just a lemon slice.
1. Treat Acne Scars:
By applying lemon juice on the affected area daily, you can lighten your skin causing the scars to fade.
2. Eliminate Food Smells:
Handling foodstuffs like garlic, meat or fish can leave your hands smelly regardless of how you clean them. Apply lemon juice on your hands prior cleaning them with soap to get rid of the smell.
3. Soothe Flu And Colds:
When you get a cold your throat feels itchy and hoarse. Take some lemon juice, mix with a teaspoon of honey and some ginger -after peeling the skin- to relieve the discomfort in your throat.
4. Remove Nail Polish Stains:
Combine equal amounts of lemon juice and water in a bowl, stir up then dip your fingertips for about 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure once in a week until your nails are free from the nail polish stains.
5. Make Your Whites Whiter:
Position your white cloth in the washing machine and put in 60ml of lemon juice before starting the cycle. You will notice the brightness right away.
6. Clean Your Dishwasher:=
Press the lemon over a bowl to extract the juice, then put it in an upright position in a vacant dishwasher and make short rotations for smooth clean
10. Make A Sports Drink:
As an alternative to expensive bottled drinks you can enhance your exercises with a blend of lemon juice with cold water and a nip of salt.
11. Control Bloating:
Mix lemon slices, cucumber, orange slices and mint leaves to make a remedy for stomach bloat.
12. Treat Hangovers:
Squash a lemon to get some juice and mix it with cold water to cure a hangover. It equalizes the levels of your PH and lowers the possibility of bothersome symptoms such as headaches.
13. Aids In Weight Loss:
Lemons help in boosting your metabolism, and it is a great energy drink for workouts.
14. Brighten Your Nails:
Make a solution of lemon juice and baking soda. Apply the solution on your nails and massage, this will result in your nails looking brighter and clean.
15. Curbs Insomnia:
Heat some water to a boiling point and squash some freshly cut lemons into it. Inhale the aroma for some minutes while it’s still boiling. You will find that it eases your mind and reduces anxiety leading to a great night sleep.
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1. Treat Acne Scars:
2. Eliminate Food Smells:
3. Soothe Flu And Colds:
4. Remove Nail Polish Stains:
5. Make Your Whites Whiter:
6. Clean Your Dishwasher:=
Press the lemon over a bowl to extract the juice, then put it in an upright position in a vacant dishwasher and make short rotations for smooth clean
7. Clean Your Chopping Board:
Rub a freshly cut lemon slice transversely the board mainly after chopping meat as it eliminates smells, bacteria, and food stains.
8. Refresh Up Your Microwave:
When your microwave gets messy, put some slices of lemon in a dish of water and ensure the microwave is on full power for a minute then wipe up using a moistened cloth.
9. Reduce Movement Sickness:
By sucking on a slice of lemon, you can lessen the feeling of nausea mostly experienced when journeying.
9. Reduce Movement Sickness:
10. Make A Sports Drink:
11. Control Bloating:
12. Treat Hangovers:
13. Aids In Weight Loss:
14. Brighten Your Nails:
15. Curbs Insomnia:
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Bonus especially for you :
Yes for you, because you take care of your home and family, through your reading of this content or any content talk about cleaning hacks or laundry tricks on our blog. You will notice that we often recommend tricks that shorten your time and give you the best results in cleaning your home or washing your clothes. But today, because you are very interested in this subject. We will be more than happy to recommend you a product that may change your whole view of laundry, which laundry detergent companies do not want us to know, because this product is cheap and you do not need to buy it again - a lifetime product - . In addition, it is the best way to protect our environment and protect our family, especially our children, from the harmful effects of toxic laundry detergents that you should read about.
This product is the newly-patented Magnetic Laundry System, that is not only a good alternative for a laundry detergent, but it also comes with a sophisticated cleaning technology enables you to wash your clothes without having to come into contact with toxic chemicals.
Yes for you, because you take care of your home and family, through your reading of this content or any content talk about cleaning hacks or laundry tricks on our blog. You will notice that we often recommend tricks that shorten your time and give you the best results in cleaning your home or washing your clothes. But today, because you are very interested in this subject. We will be more than happy to recommend you a product that may change your whole view of laundry, which laundry detergent companies do not want us to know, because this product is cheap and you do not need to buy it again - a lifetime product - . In addition, it is the best way to protect our environment and protect our family, especially our children, from the harmful effects of toxic laundry detergents that you should read about.
This product is the newly-patented Magnetic Laundry System, that is not only a good alternative for a laundry detergent, but it also comes with a sophisticated cleaning technology enables you to wash your clothes without having to come into contact with toxic chemicals.
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