
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Here Are 6 Signs & Symptoms Of Omega-3 Deficiency That Every Woman & Man Needs To Know!!!

The typical American diet is abundant in fat, and this is a well-known fact at this point! According to USDA, 641 calories daily of added fat were “average daily calories” in 2008. 
Here Are 6 Signs & Symptoms Of Omega-3 Deficiency That Every Woman & Man Needs To Know!!!
With such a large amount it would be more than easy to assume the daily omega 3 requirements is reached within that. However, it isn’t. Most of us are deficient in this nutrient with a wide range of negative health effects.

Here are 6 ways your health could be suffering due to an Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency

1. Obesity

  • Omega-3 fats increase cell activity, meaning that they are of utmost importance for cell metabolism.
  • Anyone whose diet is deficient in omega-3 fats is likely to have a slowed metabolism, which in turn leads to excess weight gain.

2. Heart Disease

  • Up to 40 percent of deaths caused by heart disease is due to high LDL cholesterol levels. 
  • The good news is that adding omega-3 fats to your daily diet helps reduce them, which lowers the risk of sudden cardiac failure.

3. Eczema

  • Eczema is a type of rash which is often attributed to omega 3 deficiency. 
  • One study has found that this condition can be improved by up to 23 percent by supplementing omega 3 fatty acid DHA.
  • Omega 3 supplementation helps by reducing inflammation.

4. Arthritis

  • Omega 3 fats are potent inflammation fighters.
  • They are capable of reducing swelling between joints which is common in those suffering from arthritis. 
  • Taking omega 3 supplements reduces joint stiffness and tenderness, which means that arthritis patients may be able to take far fewer pain medications simply by adding this alternative. 
  • Another study has found that omega 3 fats are effective in fighting cartilage destruction caused by osteoarthritis.

5. Depression

  • In countries with high omega-3 intake, cases of depression are lower by up to 60 percent.
  • Serotonin is responsible for one`s sense of happiness. 
  • Interestingly, one of the key components of this important neurotransmitter is omega-3 fats.

6. Learning disabilities

  • Given that up to 60 percent of the brain is made up of omega 3 fatty acids, it`s no wonder that they are more than necessary for its proper function.
  • If not enough is consumed the myelin sheath which surrounds the nerve cells might deplete, so the messages being sent through the brain will be slowed down or stopped.
  • Multiple studies have found a link between higher omega 3 intake and reduced learning disability symptoms like ADD.
  • The good news is that this nutrient can be found in numerous foods.  According to one source,
  • “There are three types of omega-3’s: alpha-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid.
  • HA and EPA are the most studied for health benefits and are found in seafood like tuna, sardines, herring, salmon, swordfish, and anchovies.
  •  It is also found as a vegan sea source in algae. ALA is a source of omega 3’s found in plant sources, such as flaxseed and walnuts.”

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